Thanksgiving:: Revisited

Thanksgiving/Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. Amazing food was had, my man came down and met a good portion of my crazy Italian family, and once more I worked the annual "Day in the Dirt" event with great friends. So much has happened in such a small amount of time that Thanksgiving feels like it was yesterday but somehow it's already December. Holy moly. November flew by, literally. Well not literally but you know what I am getting at. I truly enjoyed this last holiday, being able to  spend it with the people I love, enjoying good food, having good times. I loved how I got to see Allan so much within a short amount of time, loved laughing with my family, loved playing the traditional game of 31 whilst having dessert and caawffee, loved seeing the Worrell duo (soon to be trio), and others whom I don't get to see very often whilst working at "Day in the Dirt". An excess of love and a ton to be thankful for. So let's relive it all with some photo's from the past couple of weeks. Here they are, a gaggle of pictures ranging from the night before Thanksgiving (hanging out with Allan, Lauren, and Bijou the dog),  to during, and after the weekend. Enjoy!